Become a Sponsor

We hope you will consider becoming a sponsor or making a donation to the 11th Annual Freedom Gala!  If you would like to purchase a sponsorship and pay by check, please email

Sponsorship Benefits are listed below.


Benefit Presenting Thrive Platinum Gold Silver Bronze
Gala tickets 3 tables (30 tickets) 2 tables (20 tickets) 1 table (10 tickets)  1 table (10 tickets) 1 table (10 tickets) 1 table (10 tickets)
ReHope Farms Tour and lunch w/CEO 6 tickets 4 tickets 2 tickets
Gala program ad Full Page Half Page Quarter Page
Company logo in program
Logo in pre-program video
Company logo placement at Gala Prominent Prominent
Logo on ReHope and Event website
Company highlight on social media



2025 Freedom Gala
Saturday, January 25, 2025
Fiorella's Event Center
Package Name Amount Quantity Subtotal

Thrive Sponsor (20 included) $0.00

Platinum Sponsor (10 included) $0.00

Gold Sponsorship (10 included) $0.00

Silver Sponsor (10 included) $0.00

Bronze Sponsor (10 included) $0.00

Presenting Sponsor (30 included)
1 Remaining
Registration opens: Tuesday, July 23, 2024
Registration closes: Friday, January 3, 2025

I would like to make a donation

I authorize REHOPE to use the credit card entered on the submission page at event 2025 Freedom Gala. Once the transaction has completed successfully, a confirmation receipt will be sent to the email address entered.

Thank you to our 2025 Sponsors!